Narrabri has the perfect opportunity to re-vision its future. Right now we are at a cross roads, where we can choose as a State, to further invest in yesterdays fuels of coal and gas, or tomorrows fuels of solar, wind, bio-gas, hydrogen and many more that have no finite limit.
What would that future look like? Here at Geni.Energy we have been spending time painting that picture.
That future as we see it, would be based on five main pillars:
1. Smaller scale, distributed renewable generation - "1x1,000 is the same as 1,000x1"; by establishing a range of smaller wind, solar, bioenergy and battery projects, we face less grid connection limitations, reduced government approval processes and the benefits from the projects are distributed amongst more people. In an aggregated model of a number of smaller renewable energy generation projects, community is the real winner.
2. Behind the meter generation – Considerable cost savings can be created by generating energy in the same place it will be consumed by businesses. Narrabri has the highest average consumption of energy per business customer in NSW. Many of these business customers are on farms with suitable area for renewable generation. Cutting costs of doing business means better financial viability, forever.
3. Local ownership - Our job at Geni.Energy is to ensure the benefits of renewable energy are localised and equitable. We fly the flag for local; ensuring capacity is built locally, jobs are created and maintained locally, and manufacturing and raw input opportunities are offered locally. We also aim to increase the community’s knowledge and trust in renewable energy technologies.
4. Aggregation of household scale through to larger scale – Through the use of technologies such as Virtual Power Plants (VPP), we can aggregate a large number of energy consumers and generators.
Narrabri already has very high per capita installation of rooftop solar and we have the highest proportion of residential customers, exporting electricity in the state. These people are ready for the benefits of battery storage, with demand managed through the local VPP.
Meanwhile, larger scale generation projects that also form part of the VPP, garner better social acceptance as more benefits are clearly shared locally.
5. Our mission – Profits derived from our involvement in the energy industry are directed into local projects that fulfil our mission. With cheaper, abundant and accessible renewable energy as our basis, we create new industry. Suddenly Narrabri is the ideal place to do business for energy intensive electrified operations. We proactively seek out, promote and develop these opportunities. Initial projects include Narrabri Inland Rail Hub and Boggabri Industrial Park.
So now that the picture is clear, we need your help to make it happen. If you are a local, contact us today if you can see the benefits of renewables for your home, farm, business or industry. If you aren't local and you want to see north west NSW move towards a renewable energy future, you can support us too, contact us today.
Right now, Corona Virus is making it hard but as soon as we can, we plan to officially launch Geni.Energy with a bang! Stay tuned.
